When it comes to choosing a wallet, most people tend to believe that bigger is better. After all, a spacious wallet can hold more cards, cash, and essential items. Unfortunately, this conventional wisdom might be doing more harm than good to your back.

The Science Behind Wallet-Induced Back Pain

In 2014, a revealing study shed light on the detrimental effects of sitting on a wallet, even for just 15 minutes at a time. The study found that sitting on a wallet can lead to acute changes in spine and pelvis posture, interface pressure, and discomfort. The results showed that even brief periods of sitting on an uneven surface created by a wallet caused postural deviations from neutral spine positions and increased gluteal discomfort.

Another study in 2018 explored the phenomenon of “wallet neuritis” or “fat wallet syndrome,” a condition where the sciatic nerve gets compressed by a wallet placed in the back pocket. The study provided insights from three different professionals: a specialist doctor, a truck driver, and a bank manager. All three patients experienced gluteal pain and discomfort in their legs when seated with a bulky wallet in their back pocket. The study suggests that long-term use of rear pocket wallets can compress and sensitize the sciatic nerve, leading to symptoms resembling lumbar sciatica.

The Impacts of Sitting on a Bulky Wallet
Pinched Sciatic Nerve

Imagine this: you’re sitting down with a bulky, thick wallet in your back pocket. Little do you know that with each passing minute, your sciatic nerve, located just behind your hip joint, is getting pinched between your billfold and your hip. The result? Pain that originates at your hip but can radiate all the way down your leg. It’s what experts call “wallet neuritis.”

Pelvic Tilt and Spinal Stress

That oversized wallet doesn’t just pinch your sciatic nerve; it also tilts your pelvis to one side. This places undue stress on your spine and the lumbar discs near the sciatic nerve roots. Instead of maintaining a neutral, upright posture, you inadvertently round your lower back, leading to discomfort and aches.

The Troublesome Piriformis Muscle

As if that weren’t enough, carrying a bulging wallet in your back pocket can also exert pressure on your piriformis muscle, causing it to rub against your sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle plays a crucial role in hip rotation and leg movement. When compressed, it can go into spasms, resulting in deep buttock pain, often felt behind the gluteus maximus.

The Front Pocket Dilemma

Some might suggest moving your wallet to a front pocket as a solution. However, this too can present its own set of problems. Placing a wallet in your front pocket can create an uncomfortable pinch between your thigh and torso, especially when you’re seated in a car.

The Smart Solution

To alleviate the strain on your back and prevent wallet-induced discomfort, your best bet is to remove your wallet from your back pocket before taking a seat. This advice also applies to cell phones or any other bulky items you might be tempted to stuff into your back pocket. By keeping your back pockets free and clear, you can take a significant step toward preserving your spinal health and maintaining a pain-free posture.


In the battle of wallet sizes, remember that bigger isn’t always better, especially when it comes to your back health. The science is clear: carrying a thick, bulging wallet in your back pocket can lead to a variety of painful issues, from pinched sciatic nerves to spinal stress and piriformis muscle problems. So, opt for a smaller, more streamlined wallet, and make it a habit to remove it from your back pocket before sitting down. Your spine will thank you for it.

Photo Credit: Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

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